Basic calculation formula for steel bars
2023-12-14 14:06The basic formula of steel
Angle steel=side length * side thickness * 0.015
Welded pipe/seamless steel pipe=(outer diameter wall thickness) × wall thickness × zero point zero two four six six
Square tube=side length × four × 0.00785=perimeter/3.14
Rectangular tube=(length+width) × two × wall thickness × zero point zero zero seven eight five
Flat steel=width * wall thickness * 0.00785
Galvanized flat steel=width × wall thickness × zero point zero zero seven eight five × one point zero six
Plate=length × width × thickness × zero point zero zero seven eight five
Patterned plate=[thickness] × 0.0785+0.3] × Length * width
Hexagonal steel=opposite side × Opposite edge distance × zero point zero zero six five
Octagonal steel=opposite side × Opposite edge distance × zero point zero zero six five
Stainless steel plate=length × width × thickness × seven point nine three
Weight of round steel (kg)=0.00617 × diameter × diameter × length
Weight of square steel (kg)=0.00785 × Edge width × Edge width × length
Weight of hexagonal steel (kg)=0.0068 × Opposite width × Opposite width × length
Weight of octagonal steel (kg)=0.0065 × Opposite width × Opposite width × length
Weight of threaded steel (kg)=0.00617 × Calculate diameter × Calculate diameter × length
Weight of angle steel (kg)=0.00785 × (Edge width+edge width - edge thickness) × Edge thickness × length
Flat steel weight (kg)=0.00785 × thickness × Edge width × length
Steel pipe weight (kg)=0.02466 × wall thickness × (Outer diameter wall thickness) × length
Calculation of hexagonal volume
Formula s20.866 × H/m/k is the opposite side × Opposite edge × zero point eight six six × Height or thickness
Formula for weight conversion of various steel pipes (materials)
Weight of steel pipe=0.25 × π × (Outer diameter square inner diameter square) × L × Specific gravity of steel
Among them: π=3.14, L=length of steel pipe, specific gravity of steel taken as 7.8
So, the weight of the steel pipe is 0.25 × three point one four × (Outer diameter square inner diameter square) × L × seven point eight
*If the unit of measurement is in meters (M), the calculated weight result is kilograms (Kg)
The density of steel is 7.85g/cm3 (note: unit conversion)
The unit of measurement for calculating the theoretical weight of steel is kilograms (kg).
The basic formula is:
W (weight, kg)=F (cross-sectional area mm2) × L (length, m) ×ρ (Density, g/cm3) × 1/1000
Common data
1 meter (m)=3.281 feet
1 inch=25.4 millimeters
1 pound=0.4536 kilograms
1 ounce=28.3 grams
1 kilogram force=9.81 Newton
1 pound force=4.45 Newton
1 megapascal=145.161 pounds per inch
Specific gravity (density) of steel: 7.8g/cm
Specific gravity (density) of stainless steel: 7.78g/cm
Zinc specific gravity (density): 7.05g/cm
Specific gravity (density) of aluminum: 2.7g/cm